- Parent and Family Engagement Newsletter
- Parent Advisory Council
- Schoology
- Home Access Center
- Anonymous Alerts
- Helping Students Learn
- Safe Storage of Firearms
- YMCA Events
Parent and Family Engagement Newsletter
Parent Advisory Council
The district and each Title I campus will establish a Parent Advisory Council comprised of a sufficient number and representative group of parents or family members served by the local education agency or school to adequately represent the needs of the population served by such agency for the purposes of developing, revising, and reviewing the parent and family engagement policy. If you would like to nominate yourself to serve on the parent advisory council, please fill out the appropriate form below.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is an online information system that allows parents/guardians and secondary students access to view student information such as:
- Daily Summary of Attendance, Schedule, Discipline Incidents, Classwork, and Student Performance
Attendance - View Assignments Anytime, Anywhere
- Current Class Schedule, and Dropped Classes
- Student Information, Emergency Contacts, and Calendars
- Discipline Records
- Report Cards
- Teacher Alerts, Notes, and Comments
- Teacher Contact Information
Request Your Login / Solicite su Cuenta
For immediate assistance please contact your child's school
or you can also call the Parent Account Support Line at (409) 989-6154.
Anonymous Alerts
Helping Students Learn
Safe Storage of Firearms
Texas law now requires school districts to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms. The attached information will help you learn about options for, as well as how to talk to your child and others about, the safe storage of firearms.
ln 2021, 4,513 Texans experienced gun-related deaths. The Texas Department of State Health Services (SHS) reports that 55% of Texas firearms deaths in 2020 were suicides and that 59% of all suicides in Texas were by firearms. Suicide attempts involving firearms have a 90% fatality rate. Restricting access to tuns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Acts of mass violence and interpersonal violence often end in suicide.
It is unlawful to store, transport, or abandon an unsecured firearm in a place where children are likely to be and can obtain access to the firearm. Under Texas Penal Code 46.13, a person commits the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child if the child gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm, and the person with criminal negligence:
- Failed to secure the firearm; or
- Left the firearm in a place to which the person knew or should have known the child would gain access
The penalty for allowing a child access to a firearm can range from a Class C misdemeanor (punishable by a $500 fine) to a Class A misdemeanor (punishable by a $4000 fine, a year in jail, or a combination of the two).
Texas exempts the purchase offirearm safety equipment from Texas Sales and Use Tax.
Remember, a gun should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere. You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas Department of Public Safety at
Safe gun storage is critical to prevendng suicide, unintentional shootings, and other tragedies.
La ley de Texas ahora exige que los distritos escolares distribuyan información a los padres y tutores sobre el almacenamiento seguro de armas de fuego. La informaci6n adjunta le ayudard a conocer las opciones y cómo hablar con su hijo y otras personas sobre el almacenamiento seguro de armas de fuego.
En 2021, 4,613 Texanos sufrieron muertes relacionadas con armas de fuego. El Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Texas (SHS) informa que el 55% de las muertes por armas de fuego en Texas en 2020 fueron suicidios y que el 59% de todos los suicidios en Texas fueron por armas de fuego. Los intentos de suicidio con armas de fuego tienen una tasa de mortalidad del 90%. Restringir el acceso a las armas es fundamental para reducir los actos de violencia, ya sea como autolesión o hacia otros. Los actos de violencia masiva y de violencia interpersonal a menudo terminan en suicidio.
Es ilegal almacenar, transportar o abandonar un arma de fuego sin asegurar en un lugar donde es probable que los niños estén y puedan tener acceso al arma de fuego. Según el Código Penal de Texas 46.13, una persona comete el delito de hacer que un arma de fuego sea accesible a un niño si el niño obtiene acceso a un arma de fuego que se puede descargar fácilmente, y la persona con negligencia criminal:
- Por NO asegurar el arma de fuego; o
- Dejó el arma de fuego en un lugar al que la persona sabia o deberia haber sabido que el niño tendria acceso
La pena por permltir que un niño tenga acceso a un arma de fuego puede variar desde un delito menor de Clase C (castigado con una multa de $500) hasta un delito menor de Clase A (castigado con una multa de $4000, un año de cárcel o una combinación de ambos).
Texas exime la compra de equipo de seguridad para armas de fuego del lmpuesto sobre Ventas y Uso de
Recuerde, un arma debe guardarse descargada en una caja fuerte o contenedor bajo a llave, y las municiones (balas) deben guardarse en otro lugar. Puede obtener más información y encontrar recursos adicionales del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas en
El almacenamlento seguro de armas es fundamental para prevenir suicidios, tiroteos involuntarios y otras tragedias.