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Textbook Manager: Tuyen Tran

One common definition is that a textbook is a printed and bound artifact for each year or course of study (Encyclopedia of Education, 2008b). They contain facts and ideas around a certain subject. ... Today, textbooks are assembled more than they are written.

Instructional Materials Allotment

Senate Bill 6 from the 82nd Texas Legislature, First Called Session, 2011, created an instructional materials allotment (IMA) for the purchase of instructional materials, technological equipment, and technology-related services. 

Each district and open-enrollment charter school is entitled to an IMA. The amount of the IMA is determined biennially by the commissioner and is based on the legislative appropriation. Districts and open-enrollment charter schools have access to their allotment through the educational materials ordering system known as EMAT.

Helpful IMA resources are provided below:

Senate Bill 6
Instructional Materials Reports
Salary Disbursement Instructions (PDF)
Instructional Materials Coordinators' Association of Texas (IMCAT) (outside source)


Contact Information

Instructional Materials Ordering and Distribution
Phone: (512) 463-9601
Fax: (512) 475-3612 


Textbook Order Requirements and Dates

Textbooks Process