Instructional Technology
The goal of campus techs is to provide instruction for academic technology within the classroom for teachers and students. |
Adams Elementary |
Dequeen Elementary |
Lakeview Elementary
Houston Elementary |
Port Acres Elementary |
Travis Elementary |
Tyrell Elementary
Washington Elementary |
Wheatley Early Childhood |
Abraham Lincoln Middle School |
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Memorial 9th Grade Academy |
Memorial High School |
Career and Technology Education |
Wilson Early College High School |
Port Arthur Alternative Center |
District-Wide Support
Help Desk:
Password Reset Hotline: 989-6186
Help Desk
Angel Dauphine: 989-6177
Network, Communications, Security Cameras, PA, Phones
Richard Tatar: 989-6121
Lucas Liscano: 989-6112
Jamie Cohrt 989-6119
Willie Brown 989-6117
Technician Campus
Willie Brown: 989-6111
MHS, Cate, Adams, Tyrrell, Mem 9 th, Print Shop
Boon Lee: 989-6118
Lincoln, PAAC, Washington, Port Acres, Maintenance Complex
Eddie Anderson 989-6114
Sam Houston, Travis, Lakeview, Wheatley
James Cerf 989-6116
TJ Middle School, Dequeen, Wilson
Ellis Billups 989-6163
Justin Broussard 989-6128
Kenneth Daigre
Instructional Technology Supervisor
Phone: 409-989-6187
Dept Fax: 409-989-6267
Academic Software Quicklinks
Wheatley School Early Childhood
Video Resources