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Instructional Technology

The goal of campus techs is to provide instruction for academic technology within the classroom for teachers and students. 

Adams Elementary

Meagan Thierheimer

Dequeen Elementary

Christina Smith

Lakeview Elementary 

Joan Jones


Houston Elementary 

Mark Gassen

Port Acres Elementary 

Brittney Stepp

Travis Elementary 

Gina Lofton

Tyrell Elementary 

Michelle Morgan


Washington Elementary 

Sarah Borello 

Wheatley Early Childhood

Thomas Riley

Abraham Lincoln

Middle School 

Ieshia Nicholas

Thomas Jefferson

Middle School 

Marc Owens


Memorial 9th Grade


Neil Williamson

Memorial High School 

Stephanie Jones

Don Green

Career and Technology Education

Darrell Anderson

Wilson Early College High School

Joe Guillory

Port Arthur Alternative Center

Chad Leger



District-Wide Support

Help Desk:



Password Reset Hotline: 989-6186


Help Desk

Angel Dauphine: 989-6177


Network, Communications, Security Cameras, PA, Phones

Richard Tatar: 989-6121

Lucas Liscano: 989-6112

Jamie Cohrt 989-6119

Willie Brown 989-6117

Technician Campus


Willie Brown: 989-6111


MHS, Cate, Adams, Tyrrell, Mem 9 th, Print Shop

Boon Lee: 989-6118


Lincoln, PAAC, Washington, Port Acres, Maintenance Complex

Eddie Anderson 989-6114


Sam Houston, Travis, Lakeview, Wheatley

James Cerf 989-6116


TJ Middle School, Dequeen, Wilson

Ellis Billups 989-6163



Justin Broussard 989-6128