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Personnel Complaints

Instructions for filling a Personnel Complaint

This form is to be used as a tool as well as to inform you of the process after the complaint is filed. If there are any questions that you might have after you have read this form, do not hesitate to call and ask. 

  1. State law requires that any personnel complaint filed against a law enforcement officer must be done so in writing and be signed by the complainant. (Texas Government Code 614.022). 
  2. Please print when completing the attached form. 
  3. Sign the attached form in front of a notary and have the form notarized. 
  4. When filing a complaint, you need to be aware that any statement made, that is false, is a criminal offense when the complaint is an alleged criminal offense.

Texas Penal Code Sec. 37.02 (a)(1)(b): 

A person commits an offense if, with intent to deceive and with knowledge of the statements meaning: he/she makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previously made and the statement is required or authorized by law to be made under oath. An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. 

  1. After you have completed the complaint form, turn the form directly into the Chief of Police with the Port Arthur ISD Police Department. 
  2. The complaint will be promptly reviewed by the Chief of Police. 
  3. The Chief of Police, after reviewing the complaint, will forward the complaint to the Assistant Chief. 
  4. The Assistant Chief will begin a preliminary investigation of the complaint that is filed. 
  5. The Assistant Chief, within five working days of receiving the complaint, will notify the complainant verbally or in writing that the complaint has been received and what the process will be from that point. 
  6. The Assistant Chief will attempt to complete any personnel complaint investigation within thirty days of receipt. You will be notified of the outcome of the investigation. 

Click Here to download the Personnel Complaint Form