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Instructional Leader Resources

Leadership Academy for Emergent Bilingual Support 

To ensure the success of emergent bilingual students, instructional leaders must understand the issues they face. The TEA Emergent Bilingual Student Support Division is offering a free virtual Leadership Academy this Fall. This Leadership Academy provides district and campus leaders with immersive training to help bridge achievement and equity gaps. Please sign in to complete these modules at your own pace and learn how to better serve emergent bilingual students. 

Register Now

The LPAC Framework Web-based Training

  • This web-based training is designed to support LEA staff who serve as a designated member of an LPAC.
  • Each module will contain information about one section of the LPAC, including an overview video with a check for understanding. After completion of each video, users will be prompted to complete a brief survey and then provided access to a certificate of completion to download and print with a total of six certificates of completion. It will be a local district decision to determine the submission of certificates.
  • It is recommended that all modules are completed in order, but the course is designed to allow users the flexibility to take the modules in any order.

Start the Training Now


Study Manual 164 Bilingual Education Supplemental 

This manual is designed to help examinees prepare for the 164 Bilingual Education Supplemental and be used as a classroom guide for practicing educators in the bilingual education classroom settings. This manual, along with your experience in the classroom as a certified or pre-service teacher, will begin to prepare you to take on a role that is both valuable and rewarding.

Manual 164 Bilingual Education Supplemental 

TExES English as Second Language (ESL) Supplemental #154

This manual is dedicated to Texas educators who are seeking appropriate English as a second language (ESL) certification necessary for instructing in an ESL program. Specifically, this resource equips Texas educators who desire to increase capacity in their districts and to enhance their existing ESL programs beyond minimum compliance standard.

TExES ESL Supplemental #154