Employee Resources
Employees and former employees of Port Arthur ISD must complete the Request for Personnel Records form to have their records sent or picked up. Service Records will be provided 30 days after the date of the request or after
your last paycheck.
Voluntary Resignation/Retirement
Thank you for your service to PAISD. Because you are ending your employment here, we encourage you to complete an exit interview survey. We would like to gain insight into your experiences, both good and bad, to help improve the working conditions of current and future employees at PAISD.
To notify PAISD about your intent to resign/retire from the district, please email the Voluntary Resignation/Retirement Form to Shakeith Polk at spolk.paisd.org
Employees are encouraged to review PAISD school board policy before resigning.
Questions about resigning from the district should be directed to Shakeith Polk at spolk@paisd.org or call 409-989-6165.
You must request a reference packet from TRS 3 months before your retirement date.
Contact Information: TRS 1-800-223-8778 or visit the TRS website for more information or forms.
If you received the packet and need general questions answered, please contact Rosario Lopez at 409-989-61252 or by email at rosario.lopez@paisd.org
For questions regarding employment after retirement, please visit the link below for a quick interactive video from TRS.
Important Links
403(b) and 457 Retirement Plans
National Benefit Services
Social Security
Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)
TRS Activecare website: